Being in the market for a new job or preparing to launch a new career is a tough place to be, and certainly no one likes feeling that they are spinning their wheels or unable to get started.
So, how do you know when it’s time to get help from a professional?
Can you relate to any of the following statements?
If you can relate to any of the above statements
(or most of them!), it’s time for you to
seriously consider getting unstuck.
Here’s how I can help:
A “Get Unstuck” Job Search Consultation is similar to a doctor appointment with a general practitioner, during which you discuss your health concerns, share your symptoms and learn about some suggested treatment plans (including referrals to specialists, if needed.)
During this 90 minute telephone session, we will explore your goals, discuss your most pressing issues and concerns, and begin formulating a strategy to get you going in the right direction!
Each session is personally customized to meet your most pressing needs and concerns. The following are some suggestions for how you might want to spend this time:
The goal is to inspire some AH-HA moments that will get you moving forward quickly and producing the results you deserve! Following this session, I will send you a proposal listing some of the services I am recommending and their costs (which vary according to the complexity of one’s career.) If I feel you can benefit from working with a professional whose specialty better aligns with your needs, I will provide you with names and contact information of professionals I know through various industry connections.
Depending on your particular situation and reasons for contacting me, you will also receive:
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A Pre-Session Questionnaire – So I will know a little about your situation before we speak. |
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An Online Behavioral Style Assessment (DISC) – Discover how your personal style impacts your career satisfaction and approach to finding a job. |
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A Self-Evaluation Résumé Checklist – See how your résumé measures up against the competition. |
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Recommended Resources, Tools & Professional Assistance – Personalized to your particular situation and budget. |
Call 301-766-2032 or email me today to schedule your Get Unstuck Consultation – it just may be the best step you have ever taken to gain control of your job search and move your career in the right direction! The cost for this session is $275.00, payable by Visa, Mastercard, Discover or PayPal debit.
You are under no obligation to purchase further services or adhere to any of the advice and recommendations.
And, if you have a limited budget, this may be exactly the service you need to get you going in the right direction!
Still not sure if this is worth the investment?
Here’s what one job seeker had to say about her Get Unstuck consultation…
“Sometimes one needs a push in the right direction irrespective of what he/she knows. You did that for me, built my confidence, a little hand-holding, and now I am going full-force. The protocols I thought were difficult and the jobs I thought I could not handle are now definite possibilities.
I think all the opportunities are there for me to take advantage of. Thank you for reawakening that drive and confidence that got me this far. Your grateful protégé…”
– Gloria – recent MBA graduate