Career Assessments
Behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand themselves so they can develop strategies to succeed in their chosen careers.
DISC Assessments are validated tools that will assist you in identifying your strengths and weaknesses, employment preferences, and value you bring to an organization. Armed with the knowledge of who you are, you can choose a career that aligns with your behavioral style, improve your communication and interpersonal relations, and increase your chances of landing a job you love!
Put one of these powerful, and most highly validated, online assessment tools to work for you.
Interviewing Insights
This assessment tool will help you prepare for an interview by identifying your general work characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, ideal work environment, and the value you bring to an organization. Using this information in conjunction with interview coaching, we will role play answers to some typical interview questions. This assessment is priced at $50, which includes a 10-page narrative report detailing the results. Follow-up coaching is billed at an hourly rate.
Successful Career Planning
One of the most life-affecting choices you make is your career choice. This tool will assist you in finding your career direction and will match your natural style and talents to specific job titles. Great for career changers and for high school seniors contemplating a college choice and major! This assessment is priced at $125, which includes a 29-page narrative report, career decision-making worksheets, and resources/information about careers that fit your style. Follow-up coaching is billed at an hourly rate.
Sales Style & Performance
Sales professionals who use this tool will broaden their understanding of their natural sales style and learn ways to adapt that style to give customers what they want. This assessment is priced at $50, which includes a 10-page narrative report detailing the results. Follow-up coaching is billed at an hourly rate.
Workplace Motivators
Using six critically different categories, The Workplace Motivator is a validated and scientifically designed tool that detects personal values. For the job seeker, these six motivators will provide the essential elements they will need to strengthen their communication with hiring managers and provide the verbiage that distinguishes their unique talents. This assessment is priced at $85, which includes a 24-page narrative report detailing the results. You will also receive, at no extra cost, a copy of the eBook, If I Knew Then: How to Take Control of Your Career & Build the Lifestyle Your Deserve, by Bill J. Bonnstetter. Follow-up coaching is billed at an hourly rate.
Management- Staff Profile
This tool is designed to assess your strengths and possible limitations, and to assist you and your coach in developing an Action Plan for increasing productivity and overall effectiveness. With the information gleaned from this assessment, you will be better prepared to communicate effectively with your boss and co-workers, design your career, plan for performance reviews, and adapt to new positions. This assessment is priced at $85, which includes a 24-page narrative report detailing the results. Follow-up coaching is billed at an hourly rate.
Each assessment can be completed online in 30 minutes or less and you will receive a copy of your report in your email, within minutes of completing the assessment. Call 301-766-2032 or email me to request a one-page flyer with a detailed description of each assessment tool.